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Issue 8 - May 2000
Published: Thursday April 27, 2000

We Take The Wraps Off...
...the new Amiga developer system!

Structured drawing at its best?

ScanQuix 5 and new scanners reviewed.

Web Gaming
More than just deathmatch Quake...

Upgrade Fever!
Thinking of upgrading? Don't know where to start? Let us be your guide...

Reviews: IBrowse 2.2 - The latest version of the popular web browser, but how far has it come since version 2.1? Cycas - Structured drawing is still one of the Amiga's strong points. X-Surf - The Ethernet-and-more Zorro card from Individual Computers. Millennium - The toaster/Flyer package from Nova Design and Newtek. Scanorama! - Some of the latest scanners, and Amiga scanning software in the form of ScanQuix 5, reviewed and rated. Active Media - New Section! We take a look at the best in CD-ROMs, movies, web sites, television... Active Shareware - The undisputed heavyweight champion of shareware... but what is it? Web Gaming - There's more to net gaming than deathmatch Quake.

Features: St. Louis Report - A full show report from the St. Louis, Missouri Amiga show. BoXing Clever - The release of this much anticipated piece of hardware really is just around the corner. We take a look at the BoXeR, revision 2. Upgrade Fever! - Thinking of upgrading your Amiga, but don't know where to start? Let us be your guide. Picture Perfect - Techniques for getting the best results from image manipulation.

Plus: The latest News from around the world, Online tracking, A few more Rants & Raves, It's a SiNful Armageddon of Worms in Active Gamer, William Shatner makes a cameo appearance in Retroactive, The Editor answers your letters in InterActive, and more problems solved thanks to the Guru.